def person(name, age): # a,b are called formal arguments
return name, age-5
person("peth",25) # a,b here are called actual argments
Type 1: Positional arguments
Type 2: Keyword arguments
person(name=”peth”, age=25)
Type 3: Default
def person(name, age=25):
return name, age-5
Type 4: Variable length
def sum(a,b):
return a+b
what if I want to have some of different number of arguments I want to pass. eg: from sum, I want sum of 1,2,3. I also want sum of 3,4,5,68 --> above sum function won't work here.
we can use variable length arguments:
def sum(*a):
type(a) --> it will be a tuple
c = 0
for i in a:
c = c + I
return c
Type 5: Keyworded Variable Length Arguments
what if we want to pass keyword too while passing the argument:
In [38]: def person(name, **kwargs):
...: print(kwargs)
In [40]: person("Tony Stark", age=12, movie="avengers" )
{'age': 12, 'movie': 'avengers'}